有關產後耗竭與恢復 / postnatal depletion

written by 陪產員 / 母親 / 靈性老師 / 樸門生活者 Ellejana Lin.*來研究一下產後恢復的階段,以下所說的都是月子期之後囉~
翻譯的資料來源:https://goop.com/wellness/health/postnatal-depletion-even-10-years-later/ 短篇 quote:

“Consider this: If you’ve had a child within the last decade, you might still be suffering some consequences—lethargy, memory disturbances, and poor energy levels, among other symptoms. And according to Dr. Oscar Serrallach, goop-trusted family practitioner (all the way from rural Australia), it’s not just because being a parent is hard—physically, the process of growing a baby exacts a significant toll. Which is why Serrallach developed The Mother Load, a nourishing, goop natal protocol (that is also great pre-conception and while pregnant as well).”

如果你在過去的十年中生了一個孩子,但至今你可能仍有以下症狀:嗜睡、記憶障礙、能量水平低等症狀。 根據 Dr. Oscar Serrallach 的說法,他是一位 goop natal protocol 信任的家庭醫生(來自澳大利亞農村),在生理上,成為父母是得歷經一些過程的,但養育寶寶的過程也會造成身體的嚴重損失。 這就是為什麼 Dr. Serrallach 開發了一個帶領婦女產後恢復的過程: “The Mother Load” (一種滋養產後婦女的先決意識,當然在孕期就開始接觸也很好)。

——————-以下開始摘錄:此 program 的第 1-3 部分 —————-

What are the symptoms of postnatal depletion?
Fatigue and exhaustion.

  • 極度疲憊和虛脫 / Fatigue and exhaustion.
  • 起床時帶著疲憊 / Tired on waking.
  • 不禁意的突然睡著 / Falling asleep unintentionally.
  • 對於孩子的需求有著太強的感應雷達,甚至伴隨著焦慮、以及不安,是一種又累又糾結的心理狀態 / Hyper-vigilance (a feeling that the “radar” is constantly on), which is often associated with anxiety or a sense of unease. I often hear the words “tired and wired” describing how mothers feel.
  • 對於在成為自己或成為母親之間,充滿了罪惡感與羞恥,通常也伴隨著與人群遠離以及害怕社交等 / Sense of guilt and shame around the role of being a mother and loss of self esteem. This is often associated with a sense of isolation and apprehension and sometimes even fear about socializing or leaving the house.
  • 有著強烈的挫折感、崩潰感、以及覺得自己無法運作了,覺得一點都沒有自己的時間 / Frustration, overwhelm, and a sense of not coping. I often hear mothers say: “There is no time for me.”
  • 經常有著腦子不中用的感覺 / As mentioned, brain fog or “baby brain.”
  • 失去性慾 / Loss of libido.

    🌷| 從產後耗竭恢復到全人健康之第一步 | 🌷


—考量到全人健康的功能性,現在社會的人在微量元素、維生素、礦物質進行全面評估:鐵,維生素B12,鋅,維生素C,維生素D,鎂和銅,經常有不足或不平衡的狀態。 普遍會建議產後婦女:開始服用DHA( ω-3脂肪酸),其對於神經系統和大腦的修復至關重要。這可以在許多補充劑中找到,並且通常來自「魚或藻類」。—也建議產後的婦女進行營養評估,以確定食物敏感性和食物不耐受性,這些通常在懷孕期間產生或惡化。—許多營養師的建議都會是:「減少僅提供碳水化合物的食物」,「專注攝取營養豐富的食物」。—「 Get supported ! 找到支持,找到支持,找到支持」。
🌷| 從產後耗竭恢復到全人健康之第二步 | 🌷
— 改善睡眠狀態
— 改善身體活動量以及增加運動量
— 與生活健康的家庭互動學習、建立飲食健康的廚房
— 修復以及改善親密關係、人際關係

🌷| 從產後耗竭恢復到全人健康之第三步 | 🌷

實現是該計劃的第三步,是將成為母親理解為成為女英雄的旅程,並通過這一旅程來發現更大的自我實現。[Keep an eye out for Serrallach’s book, Mothermorphis, coming in 2018, for additional support. And in the meantime, see his goop piece on The Mother Wound.]


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